
Protestantism was outlawed in Canada. The Catholics could not eat meat for 140 days of the year, when Cod made up a significant part of their diet. Even before the settlement of new Canada, French fisherman fished for Cod off the shores of Newfoundland for consumption in France. In Canada, fur trading initially was the major source of income for settlers. Beaver furs were a popular harvest. If Beaver could be eaten, that would be a bonus:

…Was the beaver an animal or a fish? If it belonged to the fish family, it could be served throughout the year. Bishop François de Laval submitted this important question to theologians at the Sorbonne and to doctors at Paris’s Hôtel-Dieu hospital. The experts earnestly discussed the issue at length and consulted other illustrious scientists and came down with the conclusion that the beaver was a fish because of its tail. The decision brought joy to the colony…. (p51)

Growing up in the 60s in New Hampshire, the only second language taught was French. Our teachers stressed that they were going to teach us “pure” Parisian French, not the bastardized version spoken in Canada. This was not always the impression of Canadian French:

…Jean-Baptiste d’Aleyrac, who fought in the battle of the Plains of Abraham, had rubbed shoulders long enough with the Canadians to observe the language they spoke. “There is no patois in this country. All the Canadians speak French just as we do.” He added that they had borrowed many words from mariners and replaced words used elsewhere. Some examples were “amarrer” meaning to moor or make fast instead of “attacher,” or “haler” meaning to haul in or tow instead of “tirer.” New words observed included “tuque” which had replaced the term “bonnet de laine,” a very popular and useful piece of winter clothing…(p57)

A traditional Canadian tuque hand knitted by my loving wife:

Here it is as part of the official lumberjack uniform:

Canadians, having inherited a refined palate, did not take to eating horse meat:

…Beef may well have become scarce but horses were in abundance throughout the colony. Bigot estimated that the colony had about 3000 horses and so civil and military authorities set out to convince the soldiers and the general population to eat horse meat. Vaudreuil, Bigot, Montcalm, and Brigadier François-Gaston de Lévis tried setting an example by preparing a meal based entirely on horse meat. It featured “small horsemeat pies à l’espagnole; horse à la mode; horse scallops; horse on a skewer with a thick pepper sauce; horse hoofs au gratin; horse tongue miroton; frigousse horse stew; smoked horse tongue and horse cakes, like hare cakes.” They soon learned that you can put horse meat on the table, but you cannot make the soldiers and the people eat it…(p76)

Live Free Or Die:

…Pierre Winters strongly defended the idea (revolution) in a letter to newspaper publisher Ludger Duvernay of La Minerve on September 30, 1833. “I hope that we shall stop humbly petitioning and that we shall speak like free men or at least like men born to be free. Thus I hope that the universal cry from one end of the country to the other will be ‘freedom or death’ and that we shall sing ‘Live Free or Die’.”…(p139)

On migration to New England:

…Mr. Francis Parkman has ably pointed out their singular tenacity as a race and their extreme devotion to their religion, and their transplantation to the manufacturing centres and the rural districts in New-England means that Quebec is transferred bodily to Manchester and Fall River and Lowell…(p189)

On French Fecundity:

…No other people, except the Indians, are so persistent in repeating themselves. Where they halt they stay, and where they stay they multiply and cover the earth…(p189)




Only health care workers caring for Covid patientsshould wear masks.


Harold Varmus suggests we ignore the CDC


Sent millions to Wuhan to perform research illegal here in the US

Don’t wear masks

A Hillary fan boy

An opportunist

Has vested interrests


Not all masks created equal. Some are worse than wearing nothing

Sweden is not just another Nordic country. Dry tinder, skiing, immigrants, immunological dark matter.



Why civilizations collapse


Email Bot

I would like to set up a bot to retrieve email addresses from journal articles of interest. The process would be:

  1. Query for all articles in the last 7 days that mention my subject of interest (soe) e.g. genome wide association studies.
  2. Pull out all authors and their email addresses, if provided.
  3. For missing author address, query for N additional articles by the author, and find those where the author is first or last author, a position most likely to provide and email address. Update the database with the address.
  4. Send a custom email to each author advertising my product.

For this project I will be using Guile and its http-client method to screen scrape data. Set up an environment with:

mbc@xps:~/projects/conman$ guix environment --network --expose=/etc/ssl/certs/  --manifest=manifest.scm

The manifest looks like:

'("guile" "guile-lib" "coreutils" "gawk" "sed" "findutils" "glibc" "grep" "openssl" "gnutls" "curl" "emacs" "libcanberra" "guile-dbi"))

In one method I obtained an error I had great difficulty debugging. Error is presented in bytecode. Eventually I decided to convert the bytecode to text. Error message:

ice-9/boot-9.scm:1669:16: In procedure raise-exception:
In procedure string-length: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting string): #vu8(123 34 101 114 114 111 114 34 58 34 65 80 73 32 114 97 116 101 32 108 105 109 105 116 32 101 120 99 101 101 100 101 100 34 44 34 97 112 105 45 107 101 121 34 58 34 49 48 48 46 48 46 49 57 54 46 50 48 55 34 44 34 99 111 117 110 116 34 58 34 52 34 44 34 108 105 109 105 116 34 58 34 51 34 125 10)

To decode:

(use-modules (ice-9 iconv))
(bytevector->string #vu8(123 34 101 114 114 111 114 34 58 34 65 80 73 32 114 97 116 101 32 108 105 109 105 116 32 101 120 99 101 101 100 101 100 34 44 34 97 112 105 45 107 101 121 34 58 34 49 48 48 46 48 46 49 57 54 46 50 48 55 34 44 34 99 111 117 110 116 34 58 34 52 34 44 34 108 105 109 105 116 34 58 34 51 34 125 10) "utf8")

=> "{\"error\":\"API rate limit exceeded\",\"api-key\":\"\",\"count\":\"4\",\"limit\":\"3\"}\n"

see for a discussion of API keys


NH Homes




Ghislaine Maxwell’s residence





26-Herman-Savage-Rd Writeup in Yankee Magazine




Kalil house

Mont Vernon



Kona Lodge





26 Robin Hood Drive











Thanks to the National Museum of African American History & Culture for collating the attributes that contribute to a civil society.


Can Life Prevail?

Can Life Prevail? by Penti Linkola. Radical environmentalist from Finland. The preface contains a bullet point list of his views:


Civil War Two

Currently reading Civil War Two by Thomas Chittum, written in 1997. Prescient.

Once the majority falls below 90%, potential for problems (p117):

Southwest will be the first to go. Look for falling real estate prices, the first sign of white flight. Are Cubans aligned with Mexican Latinos? Maybe initially re:strength in numbers. I can imagine South Florida descending to status of shithole country with the combination of diversity, rising sea levels, and sinking property i.e. not just sinking property values but actual sinking of the land.

Descent is a multi-stage process (p74)

1 Foundational phase
2 Terrorist phase
3 Guerilla warfare
4 All out continuous warfare

We are probably in stage 3 of the decent to civil war (p78):

The civil war checklist begins on p150. Below are some items that have come to pass:




Instinctive sleeping and resting postures
