Debating the holocaust

Yad Vashem

…the official Israeli Holocaust agency, Yad Vashem. This institution tracks all known Holocaust victims—Jews only, of course. On their Web page they maintain an online database of victims. Six million? No. Today, 70 years after the fact, they have “an estimated 4.3 million” names (as of 2014)…the actual death toll attributable to Nazi actions is lower still: about 300,000….


Hitler wanted to evict (not exterminate) the jews: The German word ‘vernichtung’ can be translated as extermination or evict: …In other words, to exterminate something is to drive it out, beyond the border, and thus to rid oneself of it—by any means. It does not demand the killing of the thing in question…

…Hitler obviously had no reason to hold back his language when speaking amongst such close colleagues. If he had truly wanted to kill the Jews, he would have said so—more than once, and in no uncertain terms. Instead we find not one instance of such talk. Perhaps this is why so few of our traditional historians cite these monologues of Hitler…

…to this very day no document has been found, which orders the mass murder of Jews… In fact, not even a bureaucratic trace of such an order or directive exists” (Rudolf 2011: 146). Irving (1978: xvii) observes that “there was not the slightest written evidence” of a Hitler order. Perhaps somewhere in the massive diary of Goebbels? No. As Irving (1996: 388) again remarks, “Nowhere do the diary’s 75,000 pages refer to an explicit order by Hitler for the murder of the Jews.”…

Nuremberg trials were show trials

…They were victor trials, conducted by the winning side, anxious to punish the losers, to portray them as barbaric madmen, and to justify the Allies’ own actions(the Allied fire-bombings of Dresden, Hamburg, and Cologne; the killing of hundreds of thousands of German soldiers and civilians by the victorious Allies after the formal end of the war; the US nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which incinerated 170,000 women, children, and elderly) that resulted in mass civilian casualties—actions which might well have been declared criminal had they lost the war. It was predetermined that the Germans were guilty, that they committed mass murder, and that no act of retribution could be too harsh…

…testimony did not have to be confirmed with material or forensic evidence. The IMT could accept virtually any statement as fact: opinion, hearsay, rumor, inference, belief. Furthermore, any facts that it chose to take as “common knowledge,” no matter how they were obtained or how improbable they were, required no proof or evidence at all. This is known as “judicial notice.”..Once the court has taken judicial notice of something, it stands as an established fact. If the defendant should happen to disagree, he has no recourse.

On the difficulty of burning/disposing of bodies

Under normal conditions, the Nazis would have needed roughly 160 kg (350 pounds) of wood per body to fully incinerate it.[130] If we accept the traditional picture, the figures for the Reinhardt camps are astounding:

– Belzec: 590,000 kg (675 tons) per day. In total, 88 million kg (100,000 tons).
– Sobibor: 197,000 kg (225 tons) per day (peak). In total, 36 million kg (41,000 tons).
– Treblinka: 1.2 million kg (1,400 tons) per day. In total, 144 million kg (164,000 tons).

As with Chelmno, these are unbelievably large amounts.

The Germans excelled at chemistry, but:

…The majority of the so-called gas vans were diesel trucks, which were supposedly modified as killing machines.[25] But there is an immediate problem here: diesel exhaust, under anything approaching normal operating conditions, contains too little carbon monoxide, and too much oxygen, to kill people in any reasonable time…

…diesels produce very little carbon monoxide—only about 0.1% for most of their operating range.[100] The average person could breathe 0.1% CO for one full hour, and experience little more than a severe headache or mild nausea…

Gas chambers

…Typhus is easily transmitted by lice. In order to prevent a catastrophic epidemic in the camps, one which could spread to the local population, it was necessary to regularly disinfest the people and their belongings. The most effective lice killer of the day was hydrogen cyanide gas (hydrocyanic acid, or HCN), concentrated into small gypsum pellets, under the brand name Zyklon B…

…By all appearances, the American military modified the existing barrack once they gained control of the facility, to create a “homicidal gas chamber” from what was, originally, an ordinary shower room. The ceiling seems to have been substantially lowered. New, heavy-duty, vault-like doors were installed. And two “Zyklon chutes”—small metal fixtures mounted in the outside wall—seem to have been mortared in place after original construction of the building. Thus we have some evidence, at least, that the American military committed fraud at Dachau, in order to further the gas-chamber story and perhaps to justify their own atrocities there and elsewhere….

Same at Auschwitz: Sadly, it is not made clear to visitors that they are seeing a reconstructed, redesigned gas chamber; though, if they ask, they are told—if they ask….Several buildings… were reconstructed with major errors and presented as authentic.

Russian report on Auschwitz: claim without evidence over 4 million people killed there …the Soviets autopsied 536 corpses and found not a single death due to cyanide poisoning. Instead, the most frequent cause of death was “exhaustion.”

…The case of Bergen-Belsen is particularly instructive. This camp was the source of some of the most horrendous photos of dead bodies—huge piles of corpses found by the British. But as far as we can tell, the vast majority of these people were victims of typhus, not murder. Today even a staunch anti-revisionist like Zimmerman can say, flat-out, “Bergen-Belsen did not have gas chambers”…

Burning bodies on pyres

Huge amounts of wood are required. Under normal conditions, the Nazis would have needed roughly 160 kg (350 pounds) of wood per body to fully incinerate it.[130] If we accept the traditional picture, the figures for the Reinhardt camps are astounding:

– Belzec: 590,000 kg (675 tons) per day. In total, 88 million kg (100,000 tons).
– Sobibor: 197,000 kg (225 tons) per day (peak). In total, 36 million kg (41,000 tons).
– Treblinka: 1.2 million kg (1,400 tons) per day. In total, 144 million kg (164,000 tons).

…the total volume of ash [expected] at each camp is remarkable:

– Belzec: 13,000 cubic meters
– Sobibor: 5,300 cubic meters
– Treblinka: 21,600 cubic meters

No aerial evidence (smoking chimneys) of large scale burning

Eyewitness testimony

Many ‘eyewitnesses’ had no concept of large numbers, volumes, chemistry:

Many ‘eyewitness’ claims are ridiculous:

– Soap made from Jewish human fat (claimed by famed Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal).[192]
– Lampshades, book bindings, gloves, purses, and other personal items made from Jewish skin (claimed at Nuremberg).
– Blood gushing out in “fountains” from mass graves (claimed by Elie Wiesel).
– Human fat ladled from open-air cremations and used to hasten the burning of corpses (claimed by Höss, Tauber, and others).
– Babies tossed in the air and shot like clay pigeons (claimed at Nuremberg).
– Sausage made from Jewish flesh (claimed by David Olère).
– 20,000 Jews annihilated by some kind of atom bomb (claimed at Nuremberg).
– Claims of walking out of the gas chamber alive.

A number of Holocaust books from alleged ‘witnesses’ turned out to be heavily falsified or pure fabrications:

–The 1965 book Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski
–Binjamin Wilkomirski’s Fragments (1996) - won a number of awards including the National Jewish Book Award (US), Prix Mémoire de la Shoah (France) and the Jewish Quarterly prize (UK).
– Bernard Holstein’s book Stolen Soul (2004)
– Misha Defonseca’s book Misha: A Mémoire of the Holocaust Years (1997). has been translated into eighteen languages and was made into a French feature film. Defonseca earned millions as a result. In February 2008 it was revealed that the author was in fact a Belgian woman named Monique de Wael, who was not even Jewish, and who had fabricated the entire story.

Holocaust ‘victims’ cannot be cross examined: …There seems now to be a general position held by courts of law around the world: Holocaust witnesses shall not be interrogated. They can testify, but they can never be subjected to rigorous cross-examination. Apparently the feeling is that they have been too traumatized by the entire event to withstand hostile questioning, and so their statements go unquestioned.

Elie Weisel is a fraud

…there have emerged credible claims that Wiesel fabricated much of his life history, and actually stole the identity of a real Auschwitz survivor…Elie Wiesel has no Auschwitz tattoo…

Jews control the media, congress and hence the narrative:

-we can refer to Lipset and Raab’s (1995: 27) claim that nearly 60 percent of leading directors, producers, and writers, in both television and cinema, are Jews

  • on-air staff at NPR is over half Jewish.
  • the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)… has been one of the most powerful and most feared organizations in Washington. A 1997 Fortune magazine poll rated them the second-most powerful lobby, behind only the 38-million-member American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).
  • AIPAC conducts a rigorous vetting process to determine who are the ‘true friends’ of American Jews, and these candidates, once ‘certified kosher,’ can expect financial support from around the entire country.

-In 2003 the Washington Post reported: “Democratic presidential candidates depend on Jewish supporters to supply as much as 60% of the money raised from private sources” (13 Mar, p. A1)

Jewish largess has the effect of:

  1. Universal agreement to ignore, censor, or harass revisionists and revisionism generally.
  2. The creation of a ‘Holocaust Industry.’
  3. The deployment of the Holocaust story toward political ends.

Holocaust education/reparations is a gravy train for the Jews

-Finkelstein notes that “with little if any external pressure, [Germany] has paid out to date some $60 billion” (p. 84). Rudolf (2011: 45) puts the actual figure at $100 billion, and in recent public lectures Finkelstein raised the estimate to over $120 billion.
-we now have a situation in which the children of survivors are filing their own claims, asking payment for their psychological pain and suffering. The AP reported (15 Jul 2007) on a group of 4,000 Israelis called “second-generation survivors” who are seeking about $10 million annually from Germany. These children are “incapable of working,” “live with an irrational fear of starvation,” and suffer “bouts of depression.” They “cannot ride buses because it reminds them of the transports their parents took to the concentration camps”; they also “fear dogs because they were used by the Nazis to control crowds.” The Germans viewed this as “opening an indefinite channel for future claims

Summary statements

Points of agreement:
– Hitler and his top men despised the Jews, and wanted a society cleared of them.
– As a consequence, they initiated a ruthless de facto policy of ghettoization, deportation, forced labor, and murder.
– Many thousands of Jews died of non-homicidal causes while in German custody—in the ghettos, in the camps and in transit. They died from typhus, exposure, exhaustion and related ills.
– Many thousands more were directly killed through mass shootings, hangings and torture.
– Of these alleged crimes against the Jews, there is a near-complete lack of material evidence—especially for the death camps, the bodies and the means of killing.
– The total number of Jews who died, or were killed, is not known with any certainty.

Points of contention:
– The total number of Jewish deaths.
– The number of Jewish deaths, by cause, at each location or camp.
– The use of Zyklon gas chambers for mass murder.
– The use of diesel engine exhaust for mass murder.
– The veracity of the eyewitnesses, and the postwar testimonies.

  • The method, and quantity, of bodies incinerated—both in crematoria and open-air.

Suporting information

Why did Hitler want to evict the Jews? pornography and usury

One Third of the Holocaust has eyewitness interviews.

Debating the Holocaust
